Friday, March 4, 2016

Official Project Kick-Off

The legal department of UEM has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This mean that all parties have approved the MoU and the signature loop can start.

The signature procedure is as follows:
1) Geert Borstlap will sign first 3 copies on behalf of HESCF. He then will send the 3 copies to MESA SAD-THEMA in Botswana.
2) The Director of MESA SAD-THEMA will sign the 3 copies and send them all to Maputo.
3) UEM finally sign the 3 copies, keeps one for themself and send the one copy each back to Botswana and Germany. 

Parallel to the signature loop an EKU (Eumetsat Key Unit) will be procured and send to the UEM.

A training for 3 employees of the UEM is organised on 14 - 18 March held by MESA SAD-THEMA and the first preliminary schedule for the installation of the receiving station is prepared and planned to happen in the 2nd week of May.

The antenna and receiving station will be located on the campus of the UEM. The university itself is in Maputo. The next figure shows the the coarse location within the southern part of Africa.

For the antenna installation two possible locations are identified. 

Option 1 would be the roof top of the faculty. 

Option 2 would be the in front of the faculty building.
The picture on the right shows the inspection of the possible on ground site.